目前分類:Songs (2)

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還沒好好的感受 雪花綻放的氣候
我們一起顫抖 會更明白 甚麼是溫柔
還沒跟你牽著手 走過荒蕪的沙丘
可能從此以後 學會珍惜 天長和地久

有時候 有時候 我會相信一切有盡頭
相聚離開 都有時候 沒有甚麼會永垂不朽

可是我 有時候 寧願選擇留戀不放手
等到風景都看透 也許你會陪我看細水長流

還沒為你把紅豆 熬成纏綿的傷口
然後一起分享 會更明白 相思的哀愁
還沒好好的感受 醒著親吻的溫柔
可能在我左右 你才追求 孤獨的自由

xoontw 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

How about having breakfast on Pluto?
Anyone wanna go with me?!
Or on Mars would also be great!

Movie: Breakfast on Pluto
Artist: Don Partridge
Song: Breakfast on Pluto

Go anywhere without leaving your chair
And let your thoughts run free
Living within all the dreams you can spin
There is so much to see

If you can't fly high
No need to feel low
The world is a merri-go-round
Look at the sky, and up there you'll go
Peacefully floating along

No cares to care and no races to run
Flying up in the air
no time to change and no time to learn
and no time to wonder where

Up on the moon
We'll all be there soon
Watching the earth down below
We'll journey to mars
And visit the stars
Finding our breakfast on Pluto

Go anywhere without leaving your chair
And let your thoughts run free
Living within all the dreams you can spin
There is so much to see

No cares to care and no races to run
Flying up in the air
no time to change and no time to learn
and no time to wonder where

Up on the moon
We'll all be there soon
Watching the earth down below
We'll journey to mars
And visit the stars
Finding our breakfast on Pluto

Go anywhere without leaving your chair
And let your thoughts run free
Living within all the dreams you can spin
There is so much to see

Oh la la la la la la la la la la (etc etc)

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